03 Jul On Yer Bike: A New Road Beckons
FMM Curator Wayne Harley dismounts and heads off in a new direction…
I have been putting off writing this article for days as I just can’t seem to find the words I need to say. Simply that the old saying ‘there is a time to come and a time to go’ sums it all up…
The last 19 years have been such an amazing journey. I can still remember back in October 2004 driving through the L’Ormarins gate for the first time before any work had even started on the museum and meeting Mr Rupert and the architect, the late Johan Wessel, to discuss the museum layout. Wow, that seems like yesterday! All the months of building the halls, collecting cars, planning and building displays and last, but certainly not least, employing staff, some of whom have walked this incredible journey with me from those early days. Without these incredible people and their efforts the museum could never have happened, rising as it has to being the best historic car collection in South Africa – and one of the best in the world.
Over the years, and thanks to Mr Rupert who has always added to his stunning collection, I was privileged to be the museum’s curator and be able to operate some of the most remarkable motor cars and motorcycles on the planet. However, this benefit was dwarfed by meeting some amazing personalities and being able to delve into this country’s automotive history, which I have been fortunate enough to research and study. Along the way, it has been an honour for me to share these experiences with so many people, either in conversation or through our newsletters.
I would like to take this opportunity in this, my final article for the Franschhoek Motor Museum’s newsletter, to thank everyone who has supported the museum over the years. In particular I would like to mention a few names, as over time these friends of the museum have also contributed in wonderful ways, giving of their time, knowledge and support with a passion and devotion to the automobile, motorcycle and South Africa’s motoring history.
So, with sincerity and in no particular order, I would like to tip my helmet to and thank these friends who over the last two decades volunteered their time, expertise and knowledge all with the aim of preserving our motoring heritage: New Holland, Nico de Lange, Pete Mans, Darryl Kock, Peanuts and Rose Fouche, Richard Daggitt, Derick Hulse, Mike and Wendy Monk, Patrick Vermaak, Allan Trim, Giorgio Cavalieri, Dave Alexander and Di Dugmore, Stefan Klein and Jason Furness. Some of these are, sadly, no longer with us, but they all have made possible what the museum is today. And my grateful thanks go to those other wonderful people I have not mentioned that have contributed to the success of FMM. And not to forget the many companies and suppliers that always would go out of their way to help locate the craziest parts or items and meet some unrealistic deadlines.
In closing, I thank you all for helping me make the Franschhoek Motor Museum the success it is today, I’m sure we will meet again at some car or bike show, rally, or just waiting in line at the parts counter. Until then, enjoy your motoring no matter what you are driving or riding, as long as it makes a noise and burns fuel…
My best wishes to you all,