27 Aug Oily Rag Run
This year’s Oily Rag Run will take place on Sunday 20 September, starting at the museum at 11h00 (cars will be on view from 10h00) and finishing at Crossley & Webb’s showrooms in Solan Street in the Gardens. Organised by FMM’s consultant engineer Dickon Daggitt, the route and the ‘activities’ required of participants along the way are still secret, but will doubtless be as entertaining as last year’s.
Entry is open to any unrestored vehicle built before 1 January 1961 and amongst the early entries are three from FMM to be driven by staff members – a 1926 Talbot with Deon de Waal and Donny Tarentaal at the wheel, a 1934 Ford pick-up piloted by Lorenzo Farella and Shawn Botha, and Karin Ras and Magdaleen Wepener in the Rupert family’s Braganza Tea-liveried Borgward station wagon. Braganza Tea was a product of the Rupert Group’s National Tea and Coffee company, which was headed by a woman – hence the all-lady crew. Other entries so far include a 1927 Buick, a 1934 Lagonda, a 1934 Ford phaeton and a 1951 Riley. An entry form is available at dickon@worldonline.co.za. MM