29 Jul More Sentimetal
Earlier this year, cars.co.za Customer Experience Manager Hannes Oosthuizen organised a Sentimetal Run for people from all walks of life to drive and display their prized four-wheeled possessions. FMM curator Wayne Harley took part in the informal low-key event, which was supported by a small group of enthusiasts. Buoyed by the success of the concept, in July Hannes organised a second run, inviting people to meet at the Engen Winelands on the N1 before driving to FMM. No-one expected the more than 120 cars that pitched up at the service station car park and the cars made an impressive sight as they headed out for the museum. Curator Wayne Harley drove FMM’s 1947 Hudson Commodore sedan, Assistant Curator Cheslynne Ruiters piloted the 1947 Commodore coupé and Workshop Manager Lorenzo Farella took part in the 1957 Ford Country station wagon.
Once at FMM, all the cars were displayed around the quadrant while crews enjoyed coffee and snacks, meeting old friends, making new ones and generally enjoying and admiring the eclectic mix of vehicles, which ranged from a humble Morris Minor to the reportedly only two Dodge Vipers in the country. Many crews took the opportunity to walk through the museum to round off a great morning’s activity. “Goes to show just how powerful the classic car game still is in Cape Town,” said Wayne afterwards.