
Celebrated Afrikaans television personality and voice artist Riaan Cruywagen and his family paid a visit to FMM in February and made the most of their time at L’Ormarins. A guided tour of the exhibits included sitting at the wheel of the 1956 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing. A legend in his own lifetime, Riaan, who has been associated with the South African Broadcasting Corporation since its first broadcasts occurred in 1975, made over 7 000 news broadcasts before signing-off on 26 November 2012. Perhaps the most famous of his voice-over roles was that of the title character in Haas Das se Nuuskas (Haas Das’ News Box), a weekly short television show about a rabbit and a mouse running a news broadcast in Diere Land (Animal Country).


“What a true gentleman,” says FMM’s curator Wayne Harley. “Riaan thoroughly enjoyed his visit and willingly answered staff member’s questions. Naturally, he also amused everyone with a short Haas Das impersonation. What an honour to meet him.” WH