Celebrating Father’s Day has been on FMM’s programme ever since 2008 and has been growing in popularity ever since. With families looking to go out and spoil their dads, on 21 June no less than 1 923 people – more than twice last year’s attendance – made the trip to the museum on what must have been one of best winter’s days so far this year. Visitors started queuing before the gates opened and the stream of cars continued for the first three hours or so. For the first time, FMM ran some radio ads on Smile 90,4fm, which appears to have paid dividends.
The museum displayed some of its very special cars that even the rest of the world does not often get a chance to see, especially with ‘bonnets up’, offering fantastic photo opportunities. Amongst the cars on view were the Maserati 250F, Maserati 6CM and Bugatti Type 35B historic grand prix cars, the unique and recently restored Peugeot hill climb special, plus the Ferrari Enzo and Porsche Carrera GT ‘exotics’. Other great cars on parade included the Alfa Romeo SZ, Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Corvette and Cadillac. Two-wheeler fans had the Norton Manx 500 to admire.
A few car clubs also turned up for the day, including regular supporters GSM with its great collection of Darts and Flamingos, while the Early Ford Car Club put in an appearance and displayed some really neat cars. Apart from the usual demonstration runs and engine’ run-ups’, there were also classic car drives available for the public to enjoy a quick spin around the L’Ormarins estate. And for those who wanted to know how difficult a Ferrari Enzo is to drive, we had two simulators available to test driver skills and young Cody Alberts achieved the fastest time of the day to win an FMM food and wine hamper. Danie Naude was the lucky father to have his name drawn out of the hat to win a day’s full hospitality at FMM.
Kurt Bester and his crew came out from Somerset West and put on a flying display with their radio controlled planes, and believe me these little machines look and fly very realistically. In closing, I would like to thank everyone who came out to FMM and help us honour the fathers in our lives.
FMM’s annual celebration is fast becoming an event not to miss – mark it on your calendar for next year! WH