In mid-May at FMM, Wayne Harley arranged for Concours SA Judges to meet for this year’s national Concours SA to be held at Sun City. Together with show organiser Paul Kennard, head judge Wayne was joined by Dave Alexander, Derek Hulse, Keith Doig, Marius Malherbe...

During April, South African/Canadian film director, film producer, screenwriter and animator Neill Blomkamp paid a visit to FMM and was shown around the museum complex by curator Wayne Harley. Born in Johannesburg in 1979, at the age of sixteen he met fellow ex-Redhill High School student Sharlto Copley, who provided...

Earlier in April, FMM had another notable visit when the daughter of British nobleman and racing legend Lord Howe, Lady Frances Denman, her son Roly and his two children Ozzie and Tilly, called in unexpectedly while on vacation from their home in Kent. Apart from...

The 2017 Le Mans is on the horizon and to whet the appetite for this classic endurance race, Mike Monk could not resist the invitation to drive a Moretti, the likes of which raced at the Circuit de la Sarthe in 1956. Giovanni Moretti was...

"When the cars line up for the 2017 Concours South Africa at Sun City on 3-6 August, owner-passion will be as important as the presentation of the cars," says FMM curator Wayne Harley. With a wealth of concours experience, last year he was appointed Chief Judge...

Plaaspad, FMM’s test facility on the L’Ormarins Estate, has been a venue for some recent new car media launches and the latest company to make use of the facility was Fiat Chrysler Automobiles South Africa, who introduced the new Alfa Romeo Giulia to the mainstream...

Following on from Ken Stewart’s visit to FMM back in January, UK-based Simon Moore and his wife Elly paid a visit in March. Once described as motoring’s Sherlock Holmes, amongst his many motoring and historical achievements, Simon is renowned for writing the definitive histories on...