03 Nov Visitors and gatherings
Activity at the Franschhoek Motor Museum continues to increase as visitor attendance figures are growing daily and clubs are beginning to use the facility to meet up. All of the Government’s statutory measures regarding attendance at public places are being enforced, including the compulsory wearing of masks, appropriate sanitisation, crowd size limits, and social distancing.
On October 25, the GSM Car Club met at FMM for a Heritage display, which was originally planned for the National Heritage weekend in September but was postponed due to inclement weather. “But the October Sunday was perfect and to see 16 Darts and Flamingos on display again sure warmed up the hearts of members as I think we were all starved for a car show again,” said GSM’s Peanuts Fouche. “The museum did a few parade laps with cars from its collection, which was enjoyed by everyone. Thanks to Wentsley and the FMM guys. Good sandwiches and good wine were enjoyed by all.”
The GSM Club thanked the museum for the opportunity to display its cars and the hospitality that was provided.